These days, just about everything in your house is connected to the internet with the purpose of improving your daily life in one way or another. Your TV “talks” to your phone and your phone “talks” to your thermostat, and so on and so on. When you applying that same concept to cities and towns, you get what is known as Smart Cities. Smart Cities are those that use a variety of Internet-connected (IoT) technologies and databases to improve the efficiency and efficacy of city services. Local government and urban planners are increasingly moving towards Smart Cities to increase resident satisfaction, improve municipal services, enhance public safety, optimize infrastructure, and identify efficiencies. The use of video surveillance and analytics goes far beyond security when it comes to Smart Cities. With this technology, planners have the ability to analyze pedestrian and vehicle traffic, respond effectively and quickly to evolving situations, investigate incidents effectively, strengthen public safety measures, and streamline overall operations. Through graphs, heatmaps, and dashboards, city officials can make better, more informed decisions, with actionable and quantifiable video intelligence. Over the last two years, the pandemic revealed a greater need for cities to use video surveillance and analytics beyond security and to have access to that data across various departments. Sharing data between city departments While video analytic data is useful for any individual department, its value increases exponentially when that information is shared across various city departments. Data is often siloed because it is not easily shared among various stakeholders within city agencies. Local governments and city planners should collaborate with a variety of municipal agencies, spanning departments such as transportation, public works, highway, parks and recreation, environmental safety, water and sewer utilities, transportation, and police to review and use video analytics. By expanding the applications of video surveillance beyond security with intelligent analytics, video content analytics technology transform video to a cross-functional resource that can be shared across organizations and municipal governments for various use cases. Smart Cities typically have numerous agencies that collect data such as streetlight usage, water leaks, traffic volume, and real-time parking spot availability. Data collected by the electric department on streetlight usage helps to know where more lights may need to be installed, but it could also help the city’s sustainability team determine whether certain lights are necessary and how to reduce their overall carbon footprint. Traffic cameras used to monitor traffic patterns could provide useful insights to not only the city’s traffic engineers as they determine the most optimal traffic route updates, they could be useful to the public works department in revealing the most traveled sections of road and therefore where maintenance is needed. Combatting the pandemic In 2020, Smart Cities began using video analytics and surveillance in a new way: as a pandemic public health and safety measure. As the pandemic lingers, and businesses and services are continuing to monitor the virus and emerging variants so that they can remain open, safely. By using video data, they can evolve their safety standards to support the prevention of coronavirus spread and compliance with changing protective measures. Video analytics and surveillance can be used to: Drive efficient contract tracing: Video analytics enables the user to rapidly and forensically search for infected persons across cameras based on clothing descriptions, face recognition from an uploaded photo, or appearance similarity; to see which areas the person visited and at which exact times; and to uncover through proximity identification others who are at risk and need to engage in safety protocols. Detect, monitor and analyze physical and social distancing: Organizations can quantify and analyze the distance between individuals across locations over time, identify non-compliance with physical and social distancing mandates, and visualize the data to derive operational intelligence from dashboards and reports. Through rule-based people counting alerts, notifications can be triggered when people are too close to each other in a pre-defined area, enabling rapid assessment of and response to developing situations. Monitoring and managing occupancy: People counting technology enables users to monitor occupancy changes in real-time and therefore respond and understand occupancy compliance over time. Manage building maintenance and cleaning: By configuring count–based alerts for area entryways, notifications can be triggered for cleaning crews when more than a certain number of people has entered the space. Detect and track face mask compliance: With video surveillance and analytics, not only are face mask violations detected quickly, but operators can analyze and uncover noncompliance trends to drive intelligent decision-making for increasing onsite safety and enforcement Reduce crowding and identify hotspots: The ability to monitor and alert on people count and dwell time is essential for crowd control and reduction. In real time, alerts can be triggered to enable proactive response to crowding based on people counting, proximity and dwelling filters. This is especially helpful for preventing overcrowding and traffic bottlenecks for queuing scenarios such as grocery markets, pharmacies and in waiting areas, and could directly impact potential exposure to illness. Using video data in a Smart City Beyond the pandemic, examining video data within Smart Cities is highly insightful. For example, video data can be used to understand the cause of traffic build up, whether it be an accident or high volume of vehicles. Through real-time notifications, a variety of measures can be deployed before a traffic jam is formed, such as improved and updated digital signage, police officers to direct traffic or sending first responders to the incident, if needed. Additionally, video analytics about the demographics of their ridership and peak usage can help a city’s transportation department make informed, actionable decisions about new routes, when to conduct maintenance and when to increase or decrease services. Overall, video surveillance and data enable Smart Cities to make intelligent decisions about their city’s infrastructure, and as a result, those decisions can improve the city’s safety, economy and quality of life for citizens, businesses and tourists.
อ่านต่อAfter conducting a survey on the state of the physical security industry, our report indicated that 47% of physical security professionals plan to begin or further deploy parts of their security solution to the Cloud. Haven’t read our report? Download it here. As more organizations move their systems to the cloud, it’s important to understand why. If you’re still reluctant to make the switch, check out the top 3 benefits of cloud-based solutions. #1 Achieve higher levels of redundancy Whether you choose a full cloud solution or the hybrid deployment method, your system data can be stored in triplicate in the cloud. That means, if there’s a natural disaster at your location, or if there’s a server failure at your data center, you’ll always have access to your system and information. #2 Encrypt data between your devices to the cloud Encryption is critical to upholding the protection of your data and security systems. With cloud solutions, all information that is sent between your devices to the cloud is fully encrypted. So, even if a threat actor gains access to your data, they won’t be able to read or see it without an encryption key. #3 Maintain less hardware, get exposed to fewer risks With a true cloud solution, you only need your cameras. There are no servers to maintain and install. That means there are fewer points of entry for potential attackers to target. With less vulnerability, your network and business are more resilient. How do I get started with cloud adoption? As demand for computing power and storage requirements increase, most businesses will need more manageable and affordable ways to accommodate their physical security needs. Cloud solutions not only offer you an easier, more agile deployment path, they also help you maintain a strong cybersecurity posture. Get insights from over 2,000 physical security professionals Access the findings in our report Download the report As you journey towards cloud adoption, here are key considerations to keep in mind when looking at cloud-based physical security solutions: Choose a vendor who prioritizes cybersecurity – Supply chain risks are becoming a bigger concern. Who you partner with and how they manage their cybersecurity protection can make a difference to your cyber resilience. Choosing a vendor who adheres to rigorous security controls and prioritizes cybersecurity in the development of cloud solutions is a must in today’s threat landscape. Consider where you want to store your data – Being able to specify the geographic regions where you want your systems, recordings, or data to be stored ensures higher levels of governance and privacy compliance. Making sure your chosen vendor can accommodate your operational boundaries is critical. Start with a hybrid deployment method – If your organization isn’t ready for full-scale cloud deployment, why not try a hybrid cloud deployment with one system or application first? Starting with a small pilot project can help showcase the true value and cybersecurity of cloud services, with little risk and upfront investments. Find out how much you could save with a cloud deployment Try our Stratocast cloud calculator to get a personalized cost estimate of deploying cloud-based video surveillance across your sites.
อ่านต่อRansomware เป็นมัลแวร์ (Malware) ประเภทหนึ่งที่มีลักษณะการทำงานที่แตกต่างกับมัลแวร์ประเภทอื่น ๆ คือไม่ได้ถูกออกแบบมาเพื่อขโมยข้อมูลของผู้ใช้งานแต่อย่างใด แต่จะทำการเข้ารหัสหรือล็อกไฟล์ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นไฟล์เอกสาร รูปภาพ วิดีโอ ผู้ใช้งานจะไม่สามารถเปิดไฟล์ใด ๆ ได้เลยหากไฟล์เหล่านั้นถูกเข้ารหัส ซึ่งการถูกเข้ารหัสก็หมายความว่าจะต้องใช้คีย์ในการปลดล็อคเพื่อกู้ข้อมูลคืนมา ผู้ใช้งานจะต้องทำการจ่ายเงินตามข้อความ “เรียกค่าไถ่” ที่ปรากฏ โดยข้อมูลหรือข้อความ “เรียกค่าไถ่” จะแสดงขึ้นหลังไฟล์ถูกเข้ารหัสเรียบร้อยแล้ว จำนวนเงินค่าไถ่ก็จะแตกต่างกันไป โดยเบื้องต้นก็จะมีราคาอยู่ที่ $150–$500 โดยประมาณ และการชำระเงินจะต้องชำระผ่านระบบที่มีความยากต่อการตรวจสอบหรือติดตาม เช่น การโอนเงินผ่านทางอิเล็กทรอนิกส์, Paysafecard หรือ Bitcoin เป็นต้น แต่อย่างไรก็ตาม การชำระเงินก็ไม่ได้หมายความว่าผู้ไม่หวังดีจะส่งคีย์ที่ใช้ในการปลดล็อคไฟล์ให้กับผู้ใช้งาน รูปที่ 1 ตัวอย่างข้อความ “เรียกค่าไถ่” ภาพประกอบจาก Trend Micro ช่องทางการแพร่กระจายของ Ransomware เพื่อแพร่กระจาย Ransomware โดยเบื้องต้นผู้ไม่หวังดีจะใช้วิธีการผ่านช่องทางต่าง ๆ ดังนี้ แฝงมาในรูปแบบเอกสารแนบทางอีเมล ในกรณีส่วนใหญ่ Ransomware จะมาในรูปแบบเอกสารแนบทางอีเมล โดยอีเมลผู้ส่งก็มักจะเป็นผู้ให้บริการที่เรารู้จักกันดี เช่น ธนาคาร และจะใช้หัวข้อหรือประโยคขึ้นต้นที่ดูน่าเชื่อถืออย่าง “Dear Valued Customer”, “Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender”, “Invitation to connect on LinkedIn.” เป็นต้น ประเภทของไฟล์แนบที่เห็นก็จะเป็น “.doc” หรือ “.xls” ผู้ใช้อาจจะคิดว่าเป็นไฟล์เอกสาร Word หรือ Excel ธรรมดา แต่เมื่อตรวจสอบชื่อไฟล์เต็ม ๆ ก็จะเห็นนามสกุล .exe ซ่อนอยู่ เช่น “Paper.doc.exe” แต่ผู้ใช้จะเห็นเฉพาะ “Paper.doc” และทำให้เข้าใจผิดว่าเป็นไฟล์ที่ไม่เป็นอันตราย รูปที่ 2 แสดงกระบวนการของ Ransomware ที่ถูกส่งมาทางอีเมล แฝงตัวมาในรูปแบบของ Malvertising (โฆษณา) Ransomware นี้อาจจะมาในรูปแบบของโฆษณา ไม่ว่าจะเป็นโฆษณาที่ฝังมากับซอฟต์แวร์หรือตามหน้าเว็บไซต์ต่าง ๆ เชื่อมโยงไปยังเว็บไซต์อันตรายและอาศัยช่องโหว่ของซอฟต์แวร์ ผู้ใช้ยังสามารถกลายเป็นเหยื่อได้โดยไม่ได้ตั้งใจเพียงเข้าเยี่ยมชมหน้าเว็บที่ถูกผู้ไม่หวังดีเข้ามาควบคุม ตัวอย่างเช่น ถูกดาวน์โหลดโค้ด (Code) ที่เป็นอันตรายผ่านทางโฆษณาแบนเนอร์ใน Flash ดังแสดงในรูปที่ 3 โดย Ransomware มักจะใช้ประโยชน์จากข้อบกพร่องหรือช่องโหว่ด้านความปลอดภัยอื่น ๆ ในเบราว์เซอร์, แอปพลิเคชั่นหรือ ระบบปฏิบัติการ บ่อยครั้งก็มักจะเกิดจากช่องโหว่ในเว็บเบราว์เซอร์, Java และ PDF แต่ช่องโหว่ที่พบมากที่สุดก็คือใน Flash รูปที่ 3 แสดงกระบวนการทำงานของ Ransomware ที่อาศัยช่องโหว่ของซอฟต์แวร์ วิธีป้องกัน Ransomware ทำการสำรองข้อมูล (Backup) เป็นประจำ หากผู้ใช้งานติด Ransomware อย่างน้อยถ้ามีการสำรองข้อมูล (Backup) ก็จะสามารถกู้คืนไฟล์ของคุณได้ และเพื่อป้องกันข้อมูลที่ Backup ถูกเข้ารหัสไปด้วย ผู้ใช้งานควรสำรองข้อมูลลงบนอุปกรณ์สำหรับจัดเก็บข้อมูลภายนอกเครือข่าย (Cloud Storage, External Hard Drive, USB Flash Drive) อัปเดตซอฟต์แวร์ในเครื่องอย่างสม่ำเสมอ การอัปเดตระบบปฏิบัติการและซอฟต์แวร์จะช่วยป้องกันการโจมตีที่ต้องอาศัยช่องโหว่ของซอฟต์แวร์ได้ โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งใน Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight และเว็บเบราว์เซอร์ ควรติดตามและอัปเดตให้เป็น Version ปัจจุบัน ติดตั้งโปรแกรมป้องกันมัลแวร์ (Anti-malware) ลงบนเครื่องคอมพิวเตอร์ เพื่อป้องกันการเข้าถึงเว็บไซต์ที่เป็นอันตรายและตรวจสอบไฟล์ทั้งหมดที่ถูกดาวน์โหลด ควรมีการติดตั้งโปรแกรมป้องกันมัลแวร์ลงบนเครื่องคอมพิวเตอร์ไว้ด้วย ตรวจสอบอีเมลที่เป็นอันตรายเบื้องต้น ผู้ไม่หวังดีมักใช้อีเมลเป็นช่องทางในการหลอกลวงผู้ใช้งานให้หลงเชื่อเปิดหรือดาวน์โหลดเอกสารแนบ ดังนั้น เมื่อเราได้รับอีเมลควรตรวจสอบอีเมลฉบับนั้นให้ดีเสียก่อน ติดตามข่าวสาร ควรติดตามข่าวสารช่องโหว่หรือภัยคุกคามต่าง ๆ รวมถึงศึกษาวิธีการป้องกันเพื่อไม่ให้ตกเป็นเหยื่อของเหล่าผู้ไม่หวังดีและเพื่อความปลอดภัยของตัวผู้ใช้งานเอง ข้อมูลอ้างอิง – Defending Against Crypto-Ransomware by Netwrix Corporation – Ransomware Definition by Trend Micro –
อ่านต่อAxis network audio portfolio. The power of network (IP) audio helps you to proactively protect people and property in different scenarios. It can also help you to create a pleasant environment to optimize your daily operations. Get started to explore the different opportunities of using Axis network audio solutions that could create a higher security and safety environment and improve the operational efficiency of your business operation. It is easy to install, maintain and scale based on different situational requirements. This webinar will feature: Be familiar with the essentials of the network (IP) audio Explore and understand audio-related topics like audio theory, audio-system design, and network-audio management Engage you through the use of network-audio solutions in different case scenarios Who should attend? For technical / sales professionals in the network video surveillance and audio industries. Webinar details: Date: Wednesday, 10 May 2022, Tuesday Time: 9:00AM - 11:00AM (GMT+7) Language: English This training is open to all Axis distributors only and free of charge. Register >>
อ่านต่อMarketing and advertising professionals are responsible for driving sales revenue and enhancing visitor satisfaction. To improve the customer experience and drive more sales, retailers often strive to have more visibility into customer behaviors. In order to do that, they need accurate customer demographic insights and data-driven strategies to optimize the visitor experience. Video analytics platforms can be used to gather crucial business intelligence regarding visitor footfall and demographic patterns, so that marketing and advertising professionals can improve the shopper experience, use space more efficiently, and optimize the property layout in ways that benefit marketers and – ultimately – guests and customers. Uncover Demographic Intelligence in Video Video analytics should be used by retailers to gather accurate demographic statistics, such as, what percentage of customers are male versus female, or adults versus children? Analyzing this information can help marketers and advertisers build effective, targeted campaigns for audiences that already visit the store, as well as attract new visitors. Whether managing one property or several stores, marketing and advertising professionals can analyze the demographic data at each location or across multiple sites. These demographic insights can help determine the most effective marketing and advertising strategies to reach target audiences, assess the success of marketing and advertising campaigns, and identify new potential audiences. Say a big box retailer with hundreds of sites across the country adds video analytics to their toolbox of audience segmentation and analysis. In doing so, they discover that a much higher percentage of men are visiting their stores than they had thought in the northeast region. With those insights, they can then create a thoughtful campaign targeted towards men in that area. Or conversely, work to understand why more men aren’t visiting their stores in other areas and create campaigns based on their findings. Quantifiable, actionable business intelligence guides marketing and advertising professionals’ decisions about which messages and products are most relevant for their visitors and where to spend marketing and advertising dollars to maximize their return on investment. Track Footfall to Drive Visitor Experience Marketing and advertising professionals can use video analysis platforms to aggregate video data to track onsite foot traffic volume, show navigational shopper patterns via visual heatmaps, and average customer dwell times as well as unique, bounce, and return visits to specific locations. Using that data, retailers can assess whether in-store hotspots due to are popular items or displays, or traffic bottlenecks. This business intelligence can not only help the store optimize site layout so that traffic flows easily, but it is invaluable for making data-driven decisions about where to place advertisements and displays to enhance customer experiences and encourage return visits to the store. Additionally, insights like people-count reports can indicate the average number of people in a checkout counter queue on certain days of the week, certain holidays, or time of day. This information can help marketing and advertising professionals make critical decisions about when to launch or refresh campaigns. Build Brand Loyalty through Enhanced Experiences The in-store experience has a strong influence on customer loyalty and retention and, therefore, in-store analytics are critical for managing personalized and enhanced experiences. From crowd and queue management – enabled by real-time people-count alerting and dashboards for uncovering trends – as well as visibility into sales associate activity and engagement, marketers can better understand the in-store experience and optimize it through data-driven strategies. Data from people-count reports can be correlated with point-of-sale systems and sales data to identify in-store shopping cart abandonment. By translating video metadata into business intelligence dashboards and visualizations, marketers and advertisers can work to understand the cause for abandonment and work to counteract that with targeted in-store displays and campaigns. Analyzing unique, return and bounced visit rates can help marketers understand what displays and advertisements draw interest, encourage a customer to enter the store and – through correlating visitor statistics with point of sale data – ultimately drive conversions.
อ่านต่อThe new FLEXIDOME panoramic 5100i cameras combine 360-degree overviews with actionable insights for wide-area coverage applications, without any blind spots. The new FLEXIDOME panoramic 5100i camera range includes indoor and outdoor IR models offering 6- or 12-megapixel resolution with a stereographic fish-eye lens. They take the evolution of AI further by pairing sound with video to elevate situational awareness. A built-in microphone array with three digital microphones prepares the cameras for future audio analytics, enabling operators to gain a complete overview of their monitoring areas and become more proactive in identifying and responding to threats. Like all Bosch cameras, the new panoramic cameras combine built-in AI with the Internet of Things (IoT), offering the ability to convert video data into valuable insights easily. Remote Portal fully supports these AIoT video cameras, enabling system integrators to remotely perform services for customers such as changing configuration settings and installing firmware updates to ensure systems meet the highest reliability standards and support sustainable business practices. Built-in AI supports predictive solutions in a range of environments The new panoramic cameras feature Intelligent Video Analytics (IVA), a form of AI, and Camera Trainer based on machine learning to support predictive solutions in a variety of commercial environments. In retail applications, the compact size and low profile of the panoramic cameras can deliver insights that help recognize suspicious behavior and track a person through an entire aisle or from the cashier to the store exit. In shopping malls, a single panoramic camera can monitor two opposite storefronts in high resolution. In schools and universities, panoramic cameras can give a complete overview and identify unusual situations in hallways, corridors, cafeterias, and other areas. Taking AI further with audio analytics As the first Bosch cameras to feature audio analytics based on deep neural networks, the FLEXIDOME panoramic 5100i cameras contain a built-in microphone array with three digital microphones to capture audio from any direction. This capability prepares the cameras for future audio AI, enabling them to give meaning to the sounds they hear and trigger relevant alerts concerning the approximate location where the sound originated. The camera’s AI-based software which will become available with a future firmware release is trained to detect the unique audio signatures of gunshots and glass breaking while ignoring false positives, like slamming car doors or banging carts. Audio AI enables security personnel to respond quickly and appropriately while protecting privacy since no audio information is recorded or leaves the camera. At the same time an audio alarm occurs, a trigger to a nearby moving camera prompts it to focus near the sound and automatically track any moving objects in the scene. Thanks to data from audio and video sensors in the FLEXIDOME panoramic 5100i cameras, Bosch takes AI further by converting data into actionable insights that help users anticipate unforeseen events and prevent them from happening. Complete coverage in a single image without blind spots By offering a detailed overview image of an area, the panoramic cameras enable users to simultaneously zoom in on an object of interest without losing the bigger picture. The close-up images are transmitted in a separate channel so that both overview and detail can be viewed at the same time – and all in high resolution. With 12-megapixel sensor resolution at a frame rate of 30 frames per second, these cameras provide a 360-degree overview enabling the easy capture of objects to significantly improve the quality of a surveillance operation. Perfect exposure to capture objects of interest is achieved in every situation by Intelligent Auto Exposure. It automatically adjusts the exposure of the camera by dynamically adapting to the changing light conditions to deliver excellent front light and backlight compensation. Ease of installation Designed for easy installation and mounting, the panoramic cameras also offer twist and click installation to reduce installation time. A rotatable imager enables easier alignment. For applications when it’s necessary to look down along the wall, the cameras can be easily mounted and tilted on a wall to achieve a 180-degree view. A solution built on trust The FLEXIDOME panoramic 5100i cameras are secure by design. They offer a systematic approach centered on a built-in Secure Element hardware with Trusted Platform Module (TPM) functionality, safely storing all certificates and cryptographic keys needed for authentication and encryption. The approach offers extensive user management to ensure only authorized users have access to data, supports a Public Key Infrastructure set-up, and provides software sealing to detect changes in the cameras’ configuration settings. The Secure Element also supports RSA encryption key lengths of up to 4096 bits, ensuring data safety well beyond 2030. More detail >>